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November 9, 2008
In this issue we feature the finale of the spectacular must read series titled Burning Down the House ;The Influencers Speak - Uncut, Unplugged and Unedited. Part Five features Christopher Brosius of CB.I Hate Perfume, Linda Pilkington of Ormonde Jayne Fragrances, Christophe Laudamiel and Christophe Hornetz ‘Les Christophes’, Nobi Shioyo of S Perfumes, Karl Bradl and Robert Gerstner; Co-Owners of Aedes de Venustas Boutique, Alessandro Gualtieri of Nasomatto and Marie-Helene Rogeon ‘La Reine de le Rose’ of Les Parfums de Rosine Fragrances. The House continues to sizzle in this issue. We offer a warm welcome to Nathan Branch with his new article How Men Can Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Unisex Fragrance or "Gee, You Smell Terrific!", new release from CREED - ‘LES FLORALIES’ which debuts in December, Under the Radar: Cereus Pour Homme and Pour Femme and features an Exclusive Interview with Bill Rosenbaum, President, CB I Hate Perfume: Burning Leaves Autumnal Magic by Michael W. Davis, Pacifica Holiday Gifts Holiday 2008 Guide, The “New” Luxury: Home Fragrance Part One- BURN Candles, Saint Parfum Authentic Parfumeur and Amourelle Paris and NEC-scent-SARY Luxuries ,
we introduce MUSIsCent, the first perfumed Album from musician Laurent Assoulen.
Sniffapalooza Magazine also Interviews Kedra Hart of Opus Oils, a fascinating look into her life and fragrances. We share with you an upcoming event in New York City featuring Chandler Burr from the New York Times and we are extremely proud to debut a new fragrance from Parfums Mercedes exclusive at Lucky Scent. Cathy Gins of Aromawear shares holiday information and a great idea for perfumistas and Juvy Santos enchants us with her "Sniffapalooza-thon" of the Fall Ball. We finish this issue with a link to many wonderful photographs from the Sniffapalooza Fall Ball from photographer and friend Michael Friedlander.
If you missed the huge Sniffapalooza Magazine FALL BALL NEW YORK CITY issue, full of exclusive photographs, reviews, article and interviews; you can view it in it's entirety. Please note that we have gone to a new format/layout for your viewing pleasure so please click on each section to view full page and each article.
In the 18th century, in Parma, Italia, there was fine printer and typographer named Giambattista Bodoni -- his work was called by many of his time and since, as the exemplar of sophistication in design. Beautiful books, exquisite typefaces, amazing sense of airiness and restraint. The type of our masthead is custom designed and hand-drawn by Tim Girvin and his team in NYC | Seattle, creating a perfection on the classics from centuries past, to a new revised and refined titling treatment -- just for us! Sniffapalooza Magazine Banner by Tim Girvin.
Sniffapalooza logo/banner: Bond No. 9 is a registered trademark of Laurice & Co. ©2008

Part Five features Christopher Brosius of CB.I Hate Perfume, Linda Pilkington of Ormonde Jayne Fragrances, Christophe Laudemiel and Christoph Hornetz
‘Les Christophs’, Nobi Shioyo of S Perfumes, Karl Bradl and Robert Gerstner; Co-Owners of Aedes de Venustas Boutique, Alessandro Gualtieri of Nasomatto and Marie-Helene Rogeon ‘La Reine de le Rose’ of Les Parfums de Rosine Fragrances.
In this extraordinary edition of “Burning Down the House”, an unprecedented panel of fragrance game-changers share their personal perspectives and thought-provoking answers to the question:
“What are your feelings about the state of contemporary fragrance and how do you think the industry must evolve in order to stay relevant to an oversaturated market?”
Their words are uncut, unplugged, unedited. A must-see!

James Dotson. As soon as he could crawl, James dragged himself into the garden and began smelling the scented pelargoniums and purple bearded iris. He began precociously reading peculiar old herb books and attempted to prepare Hungary Water from rosemary. Since alchemy was not a contemporary career choice, he became a psychiatrist with a fondness for deeply strange things. His current interests include the neuropsychiatric aspects of olfaction, cross-disciplinary studies of smell, healing and magical perfumes, and all things odorous. James enjoys meeting fellow flaireurs and olfactophiles and feels they represent a superevolved form of humanity.
Victoria Austin is a passionate accomplished dreamer, hopeful romantic, spiritually attuned-grounded and musically diva-ish. She spent her childhood days dreaming, exploring the forest trails and gleaming streams. She now lives in a sprawling metropolis, but still a jewel of a city in north Texas and her wonderful family. She loves traveling and experiencing new places, people, cultures and foods. She also enjoys reading great books, writing, singing, acting and playing several musical instruments, cooking, decorating, beauty and fashion, music, movies, live theater, and learning foreign languages. She enjoys thought provoking discussions and communicating with interesting people. Her new hobby is collecting unique boutique and niche fragrances from Serge Lutens, L'Artisan and Andy Tauer to name a few. Victoria and her family also love working with Habitat for Humanity.
Kathy Patterson has had an interest in fragrance all her life. Some of her fondest memories involve digging through her mother's toiletries and playing with her scented soaps. (She hated Mom's Youth Dew though.) At the ripe age of 40, Kathy discovered niche scents and Sniffapalooza. Now she's getting out of hand with the perfume collection, and her husband Neal thinks she's maybe a little crazy. Kathy is a jewelry designer/graphic artist/research analyst who lives in Baltimore, MD with her loving hubby and two cats. You can find her all over the place as theminx,including her site,

Cathy Gins of AROMAWEAR
How to create a personal fragrance library one spritz at a time...
a must for perfumistas...and a great new idea that was discovered at Sniffapalooza Fall Ball.
We couldn’t help but notice that Cathy, a serious “Sniffer” along with the rest of us at the Fall Ball was getting the best of the fragrance sampling experience. While we were all spraying fragrance in the air, on our arms, or on scent strips and moving quickly into olfactory overload (which makes it difficult to make a fragrance purchase decision), she was quietly creating a fragrance sample library to experience at home and to share with others. When her turn came to spritz, she aimed the nozzle onto the super-absorbent wool wicks that are used inside all Aromawear pieces. Each wick had already been placed into an individual pharmaceutical grade “wick case” which was immediately snapped more...
Cathy Gins has designed a unique collection of jewelry and accessories that integrates the power of essential oils and fragrances with elegant, modern and timeless jewelry design. Watch the video that shows her collection and how to add fragrance.

Christine Lewandowski is passionate about fragrance. She once suffered from migraines, which lead to her study of aromatherapy, Therapeutic Touch, reflexology, Spiritual Response Therapy and Johrei. As the former Director of Procurement Programs for the New Jersey Small Business Development Center at Rutgers Graduate School of Management (Newark, NJ), Christine compiled and edited the first Procurement Directory. Rutgers University Press published the Directory. Christine is a graduate of the University of Virginia, former educator & member of Hillstreet Players in Ridgewood, NJ. Christine enjoys reading, writing and arranging customized travel. She is an active participant on basenotes, Perfume of Life and Sniffapalooza blogs/forums. Christine resides in New Jersey with her husband, daughter.& 16 year old cat. She takes road trips to Florida to visit her family when they aren’t visiting her.

Mark David Boberick is an Interior Designer who has been in love with scent for as long as he can remember and has been collecting fragrances since the age of 12. A lover of art and music, Mark David frequents museums, Theatre, and the Opera. He is also an accomplished theatrical set designer having already amassed a large portfolio of work for only being 23 years old. In 2006, Mark David established Atelier Mark David, his freelance design business based in Philadelphia. He is an avid supporter and volunteer for Greyhound Rescues and is happiest when he’s designing or sniffing.
Sniffapalooza Magazine Contributors
Barbara M. W. vanBok is a long time member and moderator of the Perfume of Life, where she goes by the name Artisankey. She is a life long lover of perfume and perfumery, and a 16 year veteran of aromatherapy. She is a musician, graphic artist and dancer, and lives with her husband and two dogs in Bath, Maine.
Michael W. Davis is a writer and management consultant in Atlanta, Georgia. Michael has been collecting and testing fragrances for fifteen years, and is an active contributing member of Basenotes. Michael holds a B.S. in psychology, an M.S. in organizational behavior and focuses on behavior modification in corporate environments. Michael also studies the effects of fragrance from a social psychology perspective.
All rights reserved 2006-2010. All content belongs to Sniffapalooza Magazine.
All articles by individual writers and contributors, understand and agree that each article that is accepted by the Editor for publication; becomes the property of Sniffapalooza Magazine for the sole purpose of publication for Sniffapalooza Magazine. Articles may be archived for permanent use on the web site for Sniffapalooza Magazine and for future issues. All articles remain the property of Sniffapalooza Magazine for display purposes only.
Nathan Branch is a Communications Consultant for virtual/online companies and presently resides in Dallas, Texas. He holds a BA in English and divides his spare time between sniffing new perfume releases and scribbling notes for an alleged book project that will examine the rapid growth and global reach of the contemporary luxury goods industry. You can also find him at

"A Brief History of Perfume"
On Monday Dec 8th, please join us at The New York Times
for a TimesTalk by perfume critic Chandler Burr:
"A Brief History of Perfume"
- a critical interactive tour of perfume masterpieces and
The Art History of Perfume: 1889 to 2008.
Perfumes are classic holiday gifts. But perfume is also
one the world's great art forms. Discover both aspects of
scent in this fascinating interactive guided tour of some
of the world's fragrance masterpieces, led by Chandler Burr,
fragrance critic for The New York Times Style Magazine
and author of "The Perfect Scent: A Year Inside the Perfume
Industry in Paris & New York."
You will smell jasmine from Grasse, pink peppercorn absolutes
and tuberose from Peru and India, and masterpieces of scent art
both classic and new for men and women. Discussion followed by
book sale and signing.
6:30 – 8:30PM at the 400-seat TimesCenter
Stage via the West 41st
Street entry of the new Times tower (620 8th Avenue)
The TimesTalks website is here:
TimesTalks The New York Times

by Juvy Santos
For me, Sniffapalooza is a marathon—not for the faint of heart, not for the casual sniffer. It’s two days of heady, over-blown, over-the-top hedonism, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It starts with the crush of bodies at the Bergdorf’s breakfast—the bewildering search for familiar names, familiar faces. Imagine it: descending into the basement, past ranks of expectant sales associates, and then into a white room filled end-to-end with perfumistas and perfumistos eating mini-danishes and fruit. At first, it’s all cacophony....
with photographs by Michael Friedlander
How Men Can Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Unisex Fragrance
or "Gee, You Smell Terrific!"
by Nathan Branch
It's not a secret that female consumers drive the thirty-plus billion dollar contemporary fragrance market, but what's less commonly discussed is how female consumers dictate trends not only for feminine fragrances, but for the contemporary male fragrance market, as well.
Below are four "unisex" releases to get you started on the niche company path to fragrance happiness (the NYTimes reports that the 18-24 year old consumer group is favoring niche lines over mass market due to a desire for the new and unusual over brand name recognition).
All four are smoky fragrances that trend masculine, yet still manage to leave female fragrance fanatics swooning over their rich, dusky and downright magnetic qualities. Descriptions are followed by actual snippets of reviews from the numerous female reviewers who love them....
A Harmony of Fragrances
Interviews with Irma Bustos
and Vanessa Engel of
Whole Fragrances by La Dolce Y Vito
Followed by Interview with Irma Bustos by Raphaella Barkley
Whole Fragrances by La Dolce Y Vito is based in New York, New York that takes the art of perfumery and staying in harmony with nature very seriously. The formulas for their various scents are derived from astrological influences, metaphysical accounts and Egyptian lore. What does this all mean? Basically a stream method is used which by the way was done in the days of Mesopotamia where essential oils from selected plants are extracted. A distillation process is mixed with Absolutes which produces the highest standard currently recognized within the industry....
Pacifica Holiday Gifts Holiday 2008
Pacifica Introduces the Ultimate Gift
I have to tell you-I have never seen such high quality products that are so inexpensive-I marvel at the Pacifica products whenever I am visiting my local Whole Foods-the fragrances are gorgeous and where else can you get those adorable small solid fragrance tins? The candles and soaps have a stellar reputation and it is all so affordable...if you are trying to save money this holiday season as well as make some good deals in making your money stretch, you cannot go wrong with Pacifica. I LOVE this line.
For the Hostess: A set of nine 3-oz Soy Candles comes wrapped in a beautiful gold box and tied with a bow – truly the perfect gift for the consummate entertainer, and only $50! These candles arrive in their own glass containers, and are the perfect way for her to mix and match scents to develop a custom blend for any occasion.
For the Beauty Maven: My absolute favorite set for the season is this gorgeous collection of nine of Pacifica’s amazingly popular new Solid Perfumes, which have been featured everywhere from InStyle to O Magazine. The set comes packaged in a beautiful gold gift box, and retails for $75....
The new fragrance Les Floralies, created by sixth-generation master perfumer Oliver CREED and his son, Erwin, takes us to a tea house on the private grounds of Japan’s Imperial Palace in Tokyo, where the royal tea ceremony fascinate distinguished guests. Les Floralies honors the tea ritual...
CB I Hate Perfume:
Burning Leaves
Autumnal Magic
by Michael W. Davis
I own many fragrances, but none as powerfully evocative as Burning Leaves by Christopher Brosius. We all have our Proustian moments and for me, this fragrance is my 'Madeleine'; immediately transporting me through time in my youth when I could still be awed by autumn's splendor.
A sweet maple undercurrent carries the opening smoke accord so well its as if it's holding the smoke by the hand and gently pulling it along for the ride. The base smells of dry dirty leaves left unburned...
NEC-scent-SARY Luxuries
By Michelyn Camen
Given the state of the economy, what’s a Perfumista to do? Pinching my pennies, but there are simply certain scents I cannot, will not, live without:
Laurent Assoulen
For all the passionate souls of the senses, perfume and music...
MUSIsCent, The first perfumed album
With the participation of the perfumer Guillaume Flavigny (Givaudan), Laurent put 5 compositions in perfume of the first album (reasonances) for a perfumed concert which took place on July 4th, 2008 as part of the festival Jazz in Vienne.
These 5 perfumes meet in this album. The next new perfumed concert will be on December 8th and will take place in Paris, to the duke des Lombards...
Under the Radar:
Cereus Pour Homme
and Pour Femme
Exclusive Interview with Bill Rosenbaum President
The width of niche is increasing exponentially and dedicated perfumistos are experiencing an abundance of riches AND fool’s gold. There was a time, not too long ago, that finding a great niche fragrance was like hunting for buried treasure. Today, we have Treasure Island. With the new exclusive series—“Under the Radar”, we cut through the clutter of new and emerging brands and uncover hidden gems. It’s overwhelming just how much ‘new’ en niche…is but with Sniffapalooza and Sniffapalooza magazine as guides, you’ll be ‘in the know’ about what’s new AND bottle worthy....
The “New” Luxury: Home Fragrance
Part One-
Michelyn Camen talks to: Robin Coe-Hutshing of BURN Candles & Memoire Liquide, Spencer Krenke of Saint Parfum Authentic and Armelle de la Tour Parfumeur and Amourelle Paris
If the ‘old’ luxury represented status symbols and designer brands names, the ‘new’ luxury represents simpler pleasures, such as scenting a room. Luxury was once defined by how much stuff you have, now with uncertain economic times and longer hours at the job, quality of life is the new currency.
Home fragrance is an exciting and rapidly increasing segment of the fine fragrance market and an important addition to any perfumistos’ lifestyle. In exclusive interviews with established and new home scent companies and owners, Sniffapalooza Magazine talks to industry innovators about their products in a three part series devoted entirely to home fragrance …
candles and home ambience scents....
Sniffapalooza Fall Ball Photographs
Photographs by Michael Friedlander
Jus d'Amour
Eau de Parfum
by Parfums Mercedes
Fabulous NEW fragrance
exclusive at Lucky Scent
During the Los Angeles Sniffapalooza last month, Franco Wright, co-owner of the Scent Bar ( showed me a new fragrance that had not been released yet-we all sniffed it and I was struck by it's beauty-without knowing a thing about the fragrance. He said to me "you must smell this" and I thought to myself "yeah yeah " know how it is... and I think he knew I jaded. I fell in love at first sniff. Everyone that sniffed it, fell in love that day...I even sniffed the sample all the way back home in the plane. She is also getting rave reviews from many celebrities....
Sniffapalooza Magazine
Kedra Hart of
Opus Oils
A fascinating interview with Kendra Hart as she talks to us of inspiration and perfumery.
Juvy Santos ('Arhianrad') is a self-avowed 'perfume nerd' and a second-year law student at the University of Pittsburgh. Her other interests include all things Japanese, tea, Scotch, and science fiction. You will find her numerous articles throughout Sniffapalooza Magazine
Sniffapalooza Magazine Raffle Sponsors
- Raphaella Brescia Barkley
House of Creed Paris
Fredrick Malle
Neil Morris Fragrances
Trance Essence
Septimanie Pavilion Perfumes
Opus Oils
Kingsbury Fragrances
Brandy Parfums
Roxana Villa of Roxana Illuminated Perfume
Andy Tauer
Crown Publishing
Ron Robinson Apothia
Estee Lauder
Thank you! Patricia Namm of Brandy Parfums would like to make a special thank you to Christopher Norman for their very generous donation of mini-boxes filled with fine artisanal chocolates that everyone found delicious at her presentation and the luncheon at the Country Cafe.
Special love and gratitude to
Dr.Vida Skandalakis
who assisted & helped me tremendously with both raffles and almost missed her plane for me...-RB

October 18, 2008
Sniffapalooza Fall Ball New York City
In this huge and special issue we continue to feature the spectacular must-see series titled Burning Down the House : The Influencers Speak - Uncut, Unplugged and Unedited with The ‘Power’ Influencers of Niche---men and women whose names are the ‘Mount Rushmore’ of the revolution. Serge Lutens, Frederic Malle, Thierry Wasser, Bertrand Duchaufour, Laurice Rahmé, Neil Morris, talk to Sniffapalooza Magazine.
The House sizzles in this issue.
We feature an interview with Perfumer Aurélien Guichard of GIVAUDAN, Sniffapalooza Magazine exclusive interview with Dr. Avery Gilbert; Olfaction expert and Scientist, interview with Kilian Hennessy of By Kilian , Interview with Jessica Dunne of Ellie and Ellie Nuit by perfumer Michel Roudnitska, a feature on Téo Cabanel at Henri Bendel, Michael Davis tells us why "Real Men Wear Roses, Interview with Cathy Gins of Aromawear, Bringing Sexy Back , Interview with Sarah Barton King of The Pink Room and a Halloween article by James Dotson titled Perfumes of the Dead and finally a beautiful poem, Love Among the Spices and Ralph Lauren's NOTORIOUS.
Sniffapalooza Magazine features the upcoming FALL BALL and in no particular order we visit Takashimaya, Bond No. 9, Bergdorf Goodman's, Henri Bendel, Aedes de Venustas, Lafco NY and much more. Each feature is full of information, perfumers, fragrances and interviews.
Each article is full of photographs, so scroll down, click away, have fun and welcome to this special issue of Sniffapalooza Magazine Fall Ball.